
We would like to keep in touch with you and hear all about your achievements. Your data will be used to manage and develop the ongoing relationship between you and the school as part of our commitment to our alumni community.

By providing your information, you are consenting for Hulme Hall to contact you and agree that we are able to hold your information in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which came into effect in 2018. If you require further information, our Privacy Policy can be viewed by logging onto our website and following the link at: https://www.hulmehallschool.org/policies/

Alumni data may be shared with the governing body, academic, administrative and support departments at Hulme Hall to promote close links between the School and its former students, staff and parents.

We will continue to keep you up to date with HHGS news and forthcoming events but will not share your details with any third parties. However, if you wish to opt out at any time, you can simply unsubscribe by emailing marketing@hulmehallschool.org or calling 0161 485 3524.