Physical Education is a key part of everyone’s health and well-being. It is important for children to be challenged in both body and mind. At Hulme Hall Grammar School pupils have the opportunity to participate in a wide variety of sports as part of the curriculum and extra-curricular activities.
We encourage all age groups to take part no matter what level they are at. We compete in a number of competitions that are organised by the North Sports Independent Schools Association and often have pupils who succeed and progress into National Competitions.
Throughout years 7, 8, and 9, students get the opportunity to work through a variety of sports and fitness activities, covering the basic rules, tactics, and etiquette involved.
Assessments are through lesson observations. Units usually end with house games to observe their learning in games or competitive situations.
Use of video, governing body websites and cue cards allow pupils to learn visually, kinaesthetically and verbally. Pupils are also assessed through AfL.
All pupils will participate in core PE at Key Stage 4. The curriculum is based on optional activities that are largely led by the pupils. There is a big focus on rules and tactics, with pupils taking on roles in coaching and officiating as well as performing.
Pupils also have the option to choose the Cambridge National in Sports Studies as one of their Key Stage 4 subjects.
The Cambridge National in Sports Studies takes a more sector-based focus, whilst also encompassing some core sport/physical education themes. Students have the opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge about different types of sport and physical activity, skills development and sports leadership to their own practical performance. They will learn about contemporary issues in sport such as funding, participation, ethics and role models, and sport and the media. Students will develop an appreciation of the importance of sport locally and nationally, different ways of being involved in sport and of how this shapes the sports industry.
Students opting for Sports Studies should have a good level of physical fitness, have a keen interest in at least 2 sports and be committed to sports clubs either inside or outside of school.
OCR Cambridge Nationals Sports Studies (J803, J813)
Our Cambridge National in Sport Studies enables students to develop and apply knowledge of sports-related activities, with a particular focus on officiating. They explore contemporary issues in sport, different ways of being involved in the sports industry, and the impact of sport on wider society.
Exams and Assessments
R184: Contemporary Issues in Sport
This unit is externally assessed through OCR set tasks and marked 1 hour 15 minute exam.
R185: Performance and leadership in sports activities
This unit is assessed through OCR-set tasks and includes demonstration of students’ own practical performance skills in two sports. Pupils will also gain leadership skills and learn how to plan and prepare a sports session for small groups in Year 7. They will also need to demonstrate knowledge of how to improve their own performance.
R186: Sport and the Media
This unit is assessed through OCR-set tasks where students communicate their knowledge about the relationship between sports and the media.
Cambridge Nationals provide a strong base for progression to Further Education, whether it is on to a Level 3 Cambridge Technicals or A Levels, or to an apprenticeship or work.
Students studying Sports Studies may be interested in sports-based careers, such as Sports Development, Sport Science, Leisure Management, Coaching, Education.
Assistant Headteacher / Head of PE
Assistant Headteacher / Teacher of PE
Sports Co-Ordinator