
Remote Learning

This information is intended to provide clarity and transparency to students and parents or carers about what to expect from remote education when we are in a period of local or national restrictions which require students to remain at home.

Hulme Hall Grammar School is committed to excellent teaching and learning and will work tirelessly to ensure that all students can continue to make excellent progress when working remotely.

Accessing remote education

How will students access any online remote education?

We will use Microsoft Teams for Live Lessons. Every student has been trained in school to log in. It is possible to get support if you need it from our I.T. manager (ITSupport@hulmehallschool.org).

We will also use the Satchel One App for communication regarding lessons. This app will be used every day for students to see which lessons they have and to receive feedback. Students can also use it to contact their teachers in addition to their email addresses.

A compulsory form time (registration) is taking place every morning (9.00am-9.10am) for all students and this is available on Microsoft Teams. This is an important time for a daily check on learning and to provide pastoral support for wellbeing.

Lessons should be accessed using a device suitable for the task. The same applies to completing work. In most cases this will be a laptop or PC, however, other devices are also very suitable.

How will students be taught remotely?

The range of approaches we will use to teach students remotely are: 

It is envisaged that the majority of lessons will be taught “live” via Microsoft Teams. However, for several subjects in Key Stage 3, work will be set on the Satchel One app. It may also be necessary for some work to be placed on the app, should a teacher not be able to conduct a particular lesson on Microsoft Teams, e.g. due to staff illness. It will be made clear on the app whether a lesson is to be “live” or not.

Each student will therefore receive a blended approach to remote learning. However, Satchel One will communicate on a daily basis which lessons students have and what they need to do.


Engagement and feedback

Our expectations are that parents ensure:

Our expectations of students in terms of engagement and behaviour, especially for “live” lessons, have been made clear to them in the form of a code of conduct included in their guide to lessons on Microsoft Teams.

How will you check whether my son/daughter is engaging with work and how will I be informed if there are concerns?

We will do this in various ways:


How will you assess work and progress?

Feedback can take many forms and may not always mean extensive written comments for individual students. For example, quizzes marked automatically via digital platforms can be highly effective. Sometimes feedback will be given to a whole class or to groups within the class as student outcomes may be similar. If you have the Satchel One app on your phone, you will be notified when your son/daughter receives feedback or makes a comment to a teacher.

Our approach to feeding back on student work is as follows:

Additional support for students with particular needs

How will you work with students who need additional support from adults at home to access remote education?

We recognise that some pupils, for example pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), may not be able to access remote education without support from adults at home. We acknowledge the difficulties this may place on families, and we will work with parents and carers to support those pupils in the following ways:

All children with an EHCP have been invited to attend school on site, including those whom we have made applications for. They will continue to receive in-class support as set out in their plan. For those children with EHCPs who are at home, steps will be taken to ensure that we, where possible, deliver the provision set out in their plan.

The SENCo will be in regular contact with families of children with EHCPs and will be available to be contacted, via the office, for other children on the Additional Needs Register.

For those children with SEND accessing from home, the subject teacher will ensure that they continue to set work appropriate for the child to meet their individual needs. This will be provided via Satchel One where necessary. On an individual basis, consideration will be given to how each child can access the work set within the recommended time allocation. If required, the quantity of work will be reduced in consultation with the SENCo, Enrichment Manager, subject teachers and parents.

Enrichment staff will utilise breakout rooms within TEAMS to assist any children that need additional support. Where possible, specific interventions may still be carried out remotely. Enrichment staff will keep in contact with children to maintain relationships. Enrichment lessons will continue to be delivered according to the normal school timetable using either Microsoft Teams or the Satchel One app.

Additional resources such as sensory objects, visual timetables, coloured overlays have been supplied to those who need them for use at home.

Contact with outside agencies will continue remotely and the SENCo will continue to coordinate this.

Annual Review meetings have and will continue to run within the specified timeframe. This will be done via Microsoft Teams. Meetings will be attended by the SENCo and Enrichment Manager.


Teacher Tips

Some of our teachers wanted to share their top tips for succeeding in their subjects while learning at home:

Other Helpful Links

Here’s a collection of other helpful links we’ve discovered to help you make the most of your time learning from home.

We’ll keep updating with new links so keep checking back.

Satchel One Supporthttps://help.teamsatchel.com/en/collections/1695417-students

DK Stay Home Hubdk.com/uk




Action for Happinesswww.actionforhappiness.org

The Importance of MotivationPDF Download

Keeping Fit

P.E. with Joe Wickswww.youtube.com

Fitness Boot Camp with Mr Marshwww.youtube.com

Time to Relax

Sometimes we all need to relax so we’ve also been collecting a list of some fun activities you can do from home,

Virtual DisneyWorldwww.youtube.com